We would like to emphasise the importance of the St Philomena’s School uniform of which outdoor uniform is an integral part and must be worn by all students up to and including Year 11. Students who defy the school rules by disregarding the school uniform regulations may be sent home. As appearance is important, hair should not be worn over the eyes and hair styles which the school judge to be extreme will not be allowed.
1. Outdoor Uniform. The school blazer over which any plain dark brown, navy or black coat (no fur trim) should be worn in cold or wet weather. Students must not travel to school in cold or wet weather wearing only their blazer. Coats may be worn at break or lunch time in cold weather and stored in lockers during lessons.
2. Shoes should support the whole foot: Shoes which do not firmly grip the upper part of the foot are not suitable. The heels should be flat, not higher than 3cms. The colour is plain black or brown. Bows etc. are not allowed and toes should not be too pointed. Sling back shoes, ankle strap shoes, fabric or plastic beach-type shoes and black trainers are not suitable. Boots or ankle boots may never be worn inside the building.
3. School bag/case – There are three official bags in a variety of capacities and prices. All are plain black backpacks and are available only from Cladish & Co, the school uniform supplier. Initial of Christian name, middle name and surname should be embroidered in bold letters 2.5 cm high and in gold across the front of the bag. Please note that Cladish, our uniform suppliers, provide an embroidery service.
4. School kilt worn below the knee. Trouser option available as an alternative.
5. School V-necked jumper. Jumpers must be worn in addition to the blazer in the late autumn and spring term. In summer the jumper is not compulsory. Sleeves must not be frayed or ripped – please mend or replace.
6. School blouse The school blouse must be tucked into the skirt, and it is not to be regarded as an over-blouse. A white/cream T-Shirt should only be worn under the blouse in cold weather.
7. School PE skort/shorts and shirt – forename and surname initial should be embroidered in gold across the front of these garments, so that the name is visible when the uniform is worn. For safeguarding reasons, only the initials are required on ‘outdoor PE uniform’ kit bags and school bags. Please note that Cladish, our uniform suppliers, provide an embroidery service.
8. Sports socks must be worn for PE – navy football socks should be worn for outdoor games lessons.
9. PE kit bag - official blue PE holdall or a brown drawstring bag with initials. Plastic bags must not be used.
10. One piece swimming suit and swimming hat (any colour). Goggles (optional).
11. Navy blue tracksuit top with logo available from the school supplier (Optional, please note PE lessons will take place outdoors during winter months).
12. Tights (beige or brown) or cream knee socks should be worn from September to Easter. Short white ankle socks may be worn in the summer term, but not trainer socks. Black socks or tights may never be worn in school.
13. An apron (any colour, without pocket) with a forename embroidered for Food Technology.
14. Scarf, hat and gloves must be plain dark brown, navy, black or cream only.
15. Valuables bag (optional) – to be used when handing in valuables for safekeeping.
Students in Years 7-11 are not allowed to wear earrings or have any visible body piercing, tattoos or acrylic nails. There must be no extreme hair styles or unnatural colours. Hair ornaments, slides and bands should be plain brown, navy, black, cream or white only. Braids, including two-toned, must be natural colours; beads coloured black, brown, cream, white or clear are acceptable. All make-up is forbidden. Students in Year 7-11 inclusive may wear a watch. No other jewellery is allowed, including hair cuffs or wraps on braids.
Any problems with the school uniform suppliers should be reported in writing to the relevant Head of School (Year 7 - Head of Lower School; Years 8-9 - Head of Middle School; Year 10-11 - Head of Upper School). N.B. The PE uniform is exclusively for PE lessons and matches. It may not be worn when travelling to and from school.
Uniform can be bought from: