Relationships and Sexual Health Education (RSHE) Education in Human Love


One of the primary responsibilities of the school is to ensure that the PSHEC curriculum prepares your daughter to go out into the world equipped with the knowledge, skills and confidence to succeed as a ‘citizen of the world’ and a ‘Woman of Faith’. It's important that your daughter knows how to reach out when support is needed in diverse situations.

The PSHEC curriculum is fully in line with our Mission statement and has been extensively reviewed and meets the statutory requirements with its particular emphasis on relationships education. This academic year’s provision includes a wide range of topics such as; managing money, careers, healthy eating, e-safety and mental health awareness. Included in the curriculum is the Education in Human Love programme. As parents/carers you are your daughter’s primary educators and you currently have the right to withdraw your daughter from all or part of the Sex and Relationships Education (RSHE) except for those parts included in the statutory National Curriculum (i.e. in Science lessons). Should this be the case, please contact the Headteacher to discuss any decision and to allow alternative provision to be put in place.


RSHE and PSHEC Grid 2024/25


Parental Workshop - (RSE) Relationships & Sexuality Education Powerpoint Presentation

The Relationships & Sexuality Education Workshop took place on the 26th November 2024 please take a look at the powerpoint presentation from the evening below.


‘All schools may teach about faith perspectives. In particular, schools with a religious character may teach the distinctive faith perspective on relationships, and balanced debate may take place about issues that are seen as contentious. For example, the school may wish to reflect on faith teachings about certain topics as well as how their faith institutions may support people in matters of relationships and sex’.

DfE Government Guidelines


To help inform your decision please view our RSHE (Education in Human Love Policy)  

St Philomena’s Catholic High School for Girls

Shorts Road

Carshalton Surrey


T: 020 8642 2025


For general enquiries please mail:

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