School Opening Hours & Punctuality



 The School Day

8:30 - 15:00 each day amounts to 32.5 hours in a typical week

Year 7 & 8 leave school at 2.45pm if any students in Year 7 & 8 have RE Period 5 they will remain in their lesson until 3pm.
School day



All students should have a 100% punctuality record. Only lateness for exceptional reasons will be excused. Regular lateness is unacceptable.

Students should be in school by 8.15 a.m. and in their Tutor Room at 8.25 a.m. Students who arrive after 8.30 a.m. but before 8.45 a.m. should go to Reception to be registered by a senior member of staff. Students who arrive after 8.45 a.m. must go to the Attendance Officer to be signed in. Students are not allowed to arrive late for Lesson 1 without a slip from the Attendance Officer, unless they have had a music lesson in school.

In cases for example, where the absence at registration was for attending an early morning medical appointment, the appropriate authorised absence code will be entered.



The school’s procedures for dealing with poor punctuality are outlined below:

Stage 1 Prevention: Tutors monitor attendance on a daily basis and raise concerns with students and parents.

Stage 2 Early intervention: Issue letter 1 - Cause for concern for absence under 90%

Stage 3 Early intervention: Issue letter 2 – Medical Evidence Required

HOY to call parent/guardian to discuss any barriers preventing attendance and to agree an Attendance Support Plan. EWO and/or Parent Champion involvement begins. 

Stage 4 Targeted: Fixed Penalty Warning letter 3 to be issued. HOY to arrange a meeting with relevant SLT link and parents/guardians. Discuss any barriers preventing attendance and update the Attendance Support Plan. At this stage an Early Help referral may be made. 

Stage 5 Targeted: EWO and/or the Parent Champion will arrange a home visit. Letter 4 will be issued confirming the meeting. A review will be undertaken after 2 weeks.

Stage 6 Targeted: Issue letter 5 Fixed Penalty Notice in line with Local Authority guidelines

Stage 7 Targeted: When all other avenues to improve attendance have failed the school will liaise with the Local Authority and consider the use of: 

  • Parenting contracts 
  • Education supervision orders 
  • Attendance prosecution 
  • Parenting orders 
  • Further Fixed Penalty Notices



Cognus Attendance Support Team Letter


Morning Supervision
Students are only permitted to enter on to the school site from 7:30am at the earliest if they are coming to Breakfast Club. Breakfast Club is open from 7.30am to all students in the Dining Hall only. Students should not be accessing other parts of the school buildings at this time. Students have the option to either purchase breakfast or to use the Dining Hall quietly. The daily Breakfast Club is supervised and operates weekdays, Monday through to Friday, term time only. Chartwells serve healthy hot and cold food.

St Philomena’s Catholic High School for Girls

Shorts Road

Carshalton Surrey


T: 020 8642 2025


For general enquiries please mail:

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