St Philomena's School was first established in 1893, when the Daughters of the Cross purchased Carshalton House. This was advertised in The Times of 1859 as having "extensive and very complete arrangements for conducting an important scholastic establishment situated in finely timbered park grounds".
The school is situated in twenty-five acres of beautiful parkland and in buildings which include a refurbished Queen Anne Mansion. Since its foundation, the school has given its pupils every opportunity to develop spiritually, intellectually and socially in the context of a Catholic community which is forward looking while maintaining all that is best of traditional values.
1. A Community where Christ is present.
St Philomena's exists as a distinct community because it has Christ as its foundation. His teaching and example are the basis for its daily life, relationships and future hopes. It should be possible to meet Christ in all aspects of the life of the school and the spiritual dimension should underpin all its work:-
(a) Service
The example of service that Christ gave us when he washed his disciples' feet at the Last Supper should be what guides each person in the leadership of the staff and pupils for whom they have a special responsibility. Leadership in the school must reflect its Christian nature by putting the welfare and development of pupils and staff first and so putting Christ's example into practice.
(b) Personal Relationships
The twin themes of love of God and love of neighbour should guide every member of the community, both pupils and staff. We should be a spiritual and not just a religious community so we can show our love of God through our relationship with him. It is through the respect, concern and care shown by all members of the school for each other, whether pupils or staff, that we can see love of neighbour in practice.
(c) Spiritual Development
St Philomena's should provide a setting where the faith of pupils and staff can mature. Our prayer and liturgy should enable pupils and staff to find a greater knowledge of and closer relationship to God, and the practical circumstances of daily life should be used to help us develop our consciences and moral judgement. It should be a setting where pupils and staff are allowed the freedom and opportunity to think about and develop their own principles and attitudes in the light of the teaching of Christ and his Church.
(d) Curriculum
One of the early Church Fathers said: "The glory of God is each person fully alive". The curriculum at St Philomena's should encourage excellence and achievement through the breadth of opportunity available, the quality of teaching and learning in the classroom and the motivation that comes from good relationships between staff and pupils. Each pupil is equally important and this should be reflected in the curriculum where all pupils should be encouraged to achieve their potential, and have their achievements recognised and praised.
All members of St Philomena's should be encouraged to fulfil their ministry and use their talents to the full so that they can bring Christ to each other and to the wider community of the school.
2. A Community from which Christ is taken to others
St Philomena’s cannot be a community in isolation. Its members must go out to play their full role in the local church and bring their distinctive influence to bear on the wider community.
All pupils at St Philomena’s should be helped and prepared for the roles they can play in the community outside the school. They will be helped to develop the qualities of personal responsibility and commitment as well as the knowledge and skills which will equip them for later life.
We must look forward so that we can prepare pupils now for the changes and challenges that the wider world will present in their adult lives whether in the world of work, in the areas of moral and social issues or in the Church. They will be better able to bring Christ into all aspects of their lives and influence others by their example.
It is our responsibility to prepare all pupils so that they can fulfil their ministry in the Church and the wider world now and in the future. By taking Christ to others by their work and example they will be the leaven, which helps to establish the Kingdom of God.