Pupil Premium & Free School Meals


Please click on a link below to view the Pupil Premium documents.

Pupil Premium Policy 2024 - 2025

Pupil Premium Strategy 2024 - 2025

Pupil Premium Impact 2020 - 2021


Pupil Premium is additional funding which is allocated to schools on the basis of the number of students who are eligible, eligible students are these;

  • who qualify for Free School Meals, (FSM)
  • who have been eligible for Free School Meals at any point over the last six years (known as ‘Ever 6 FSM’),
  • who have been Looked After (LAC) or adopted from Care (post-LAC) and
  • the children of service personnel (Ever 5 service).

A student falling under one of the above categories is considered as a member of the Premium Target Group (PTG). St Philomena’s PTG students are provided with the following support at school.


School Shop Voucher 
Our School Shop accepts vouchers which have been designed to support our Premium Target Group (PTG) using the Pupil Premium grant. The School Shop Voucher has a value of £10 and will be issued twice yearly (September and February) to all members of the PTG. The Voucher is a blue card that includes a photo of the owner to ensure that it is used only by the correct student. The Voucher can be used to purchase any of the items in the School Shop. Students can spend all of their money in one visit or may return on several occasions until the £10 has been spent in full. 


Breakfast Club
Students are only permitted to enter on to the school site from 7:30am at the earliest if they are coming to Breakfast Club. Breakfast Club is open from 7.30am to all students in the Dining Hall only. Students should not be accessing other parts of the school buildings at this time. Students have the option to either purchase breakfast or to use the Dining Hall quietly. The daily Breakfast Club is supervised and operates weekdays, Monday through to Friday, term time only. Chartwells serve healthy hot and cold food. PTG students will have £1.00 credited to their Dining Hall accounts for use only at Breakfast Club each morning.  

Free School Meals 
Students eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) will have £2.65 credited to their Dining Hall accounts daily for use at either break and/or lunch time to purchase food. The students can choose anything from the menu. The allowance is sufficient to purchase a meal deal consisting of a main, a salad, a desert and a small bottle of drink or still water from the Dining Hall. The menu for lunch options can be found on the school website under Information - Healthy Schools. Please note that students will be charged if they exceed their allocated FSM allowance.

Essential Items / Resources 
We provide all PTG students with financial support towards purchasing of essential items and resources i.e. curriculum based visits, textbooks. We also provide part financial support towards purchasing of not essential items and resources i.e. music tuitions, non-curriculum based trips. When the option is given, the relevant box on reply slips must be ticked to indicate that students are Pupil Premium.

Please contact Miss Lawson via the pp@stphils.org.uk for any queries with regards to Pupil Premium.

St Philomena’s Catholic High School for Girls

Shorts Road

Carshalton Surrey


T: 020 8642 2025


For general enquiries please mail:


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