Welcome to St Philomena's Chaplaincy
At the heart of St Philomena’s is our shared Catholic faith. We incorporate worship and reflection into the daily lives of students and staff to ensure that Christ remains the foundation of our community.
Daily prayers are said by each form tutor group (if no assemblies are planned).
† Mass or Adoration is celebrated every Tuesday at 8am in the School Chapel and all families are welcome
† Eucharistic services are held on a rota basis every Monday and Friday in the Chapel at 8.30am. The services are led by a team of Sixth Form Student Eucharistic Ministers and Deacon Errol the school’s chaplain.
† The Rosary is prayed every Tuesday lunchtime from 1.15pm in the Chapel
† Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (Benediction) is held every Thursday lunchtime from 1.15pm in the Chapel
† Divine Mercy Chaplet is prayed every Wednesday lunchtime
† The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available at the school where possible.
† Mass is celebrated for every Class on Fridays
† Holy Days of Obligation are observed when it falls during term time
† During Lent all students receive Ashes on Ash Wednesday and have the opportunity to participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation as a year group and also make the Stations of the Cross
The Chapel, with the Blessed Sacrament, is open throughout the day and the Chaplaincy Room is also open from 8am - 4pm. Both areas offer students a place set apart for reflection and spiritual direction or counselling from the school’s Chaplain Deacon Errol Quagraine.
Retreats are arranged for each year group and each has a specific theme. For Year 7 the theme is “Let your Light Shine” and it's an in-house retreat led by the RE department. Retreats are significant, their focus is to help students examine their conscience in the light of the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Church. They can help the students to find ways of developing a personal relationship with Christ and developing their own relationships with each other in a spirit of fraternal love.