Careers Education Information Advice & Guidance (CEIAG)
Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) is an important aspect of the student learning experience at St Philomena's School and prepares our young women to make decisions where they can reach their optimum potential in their education and also their future professional life in the world of work. CEG significantly contributes to the school’s commitment to high achievement, inclusive, effective teaching and learning. We have been successful in achieving the Careers Mark Gold Award.
Careers education and guidance is delivered through PSHE lessons, tutor time, assemblies and additional career and work related activities with internal / external partners (parents , local colleges, universities and employers). The school has a dedicated Careers Lead (part- time) who oversees the coordinating of independent and impartial (CEG) for Years 7 to 13. A careers programme outlines the framework for Careers education and guidance learning and this supports the curriculum for key stage 3, 4 and post-16 key stage 5. The Careers programme is supported by the Kudos on- line careers tool , UNIFROG and the school bespoke Careers Portal, Career Companion. (See links below )
The St Philomena’s Careers policy adheres to statutory guidance in the Education ( Careers Guidance in Schools) Act 2022 that amends the existing duty, of the Education Act 1997.
‘The Act extends the duty to all pupils in state-funded secondary schools , meaning that schools must now secure independent careers guidance from Year 7.’ ….’ This also includes the legal requirement ,known as the ‘Baker Clause ‘, where schools must provide opportunities for a range of education and training providers to access all Year 8 to 13 pupils to inform them about approved technical education qualifications and apprenticeships. ‘
At St Philomena’s a strategic decision was made to deliver CEG to all year groups (7 to 13) several years ago. St Philomena’s CEIAG policy strives to meet the 8 Gatsby Good Career Guidance Benchmarks.
Examples of how we provide impartial and independent careers advice and guidance include:
One to one careers interviews with trained and qualified careers advisers
- Guest Speaker talks, assembles and events such as Speed Careers
- Employer visits
- Work experience
- Further Education and Higher Education visits
- Displays and communication of impartial careers and education information for example in Bulletins
- Signpost to websites such as, and
- Involvement of external partners such as South London Careers Hub, Careers and Enterprise Company, for example with Employer engagement and our Enterprise Advisers.
If you would like further information about CEG or are interested in supporting careers related activities (ie Career talks, Apprenticeship and Technical training awareness, or FE/HE engagement ), please contact Michele Cretney, Careers Lead, by email.
FAO Careers Lead at
Useful Information:
Career Companion
The school has a bespoke Careers portal, Career Companion that students from Year 7 to 13 can access, parents and staff can access also. This portal includes links to useful careers websites, university information, careers articles and features.
To access: Follow this link
A taste of some websites on Career Companion to explore Careers Information - a comprehensive careers website where students can explore careers related to school subjects, watch short career videos and has lots of useful Labour Market Information ( LMI) . - a comprehensive careers website where students can get careers advice, search for employers, jobs and courses.
National Careers Service website: website that provides information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work.
National Apprenticeship website
Find out about apprenticeships. There are more than 250 occupations that offer apprenticeships. There are 3 levels ; Intermediate, Advanced and Higher & Degree apprenticeships. Higher apprenticeships can provide an alternative route to gaining a degree level qualification. Apprenticeships are now available in sectors such as Digital Marketing, Business administration, Accountancy, Law and Engineering.